Teachers are well aware of the signs to look out for when it comes to student fatigue. But who’s looking out for teachers?
Teacher burnout can come from a variety of factors, including a lack of autonomy, lack of acknowledgement, and feeling like their concerns aren’t heard. Among the top things they say they want: higher pay to reduce financial insecurity, more support for dealing with student behavior, and “mental wellness” days.
On social media, EdWeek asked what was lowering their morale and what would help them get reenergized in their job. After you’ve read their thoughts, check out our new downloadable resource for school leaders on recognizing and responding to burnout.
“Does anyone out here say at your school that you’re using standards-based grading? ... I am all for helping kids, but this policy is killing teacher morale.”
“I still have daily assignments. My students scoff, saying I’m the only teacher who is still teaching. Why is this? The semester is not over.”
“Get rid of the â€checkout sheet’ ... While finishing out the year, we had to acquire 20+ signatures, many from unrelated departments, to be released for the summer. It was a frustrating scavenger hunt with faculty standing in a line for an outdated form. ... If we had the nerve to ask â€why,’ we’d be met with an eye-rolling: “That’s just the way we’ve always done it.”
One school leader has already taken proactive steps to steer things back on the right track.
“I was just having this conversation with another director, our teachers are worn out! We have a teacher-development day, and I plan to end it with a pool party and a home-cooked meal. Luckily we are a small school!”
This downloadable will equip teachers and school leaders with the tools they need to prevent teacher burnout, as well as recognize when it’s become an issue for a colleague or themselves.